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For Australian Couples
Getting Married in France or Europe

getting married in paris france

I will be in Australia during June and November 2025 as well as April 2026 to legally marry my Australian Couples

As a registered Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant, I am able to offer my Australian couples who wish to elope a very unique experience.  


I come back to Australia twice a year where I can legally marry you.  Most of my couples legally marry in Australia and then plan to have their celebration in France or Europe.  You can either have your legal ceremony before your wedding in France or Europe or afterwards.  It doesn't make any difference.  






* Organise an authorised marriage celebrant to conduct your marriage ceremony. Please forward your chosen wedding day, date and ceremony start time to confirm my availability.


*Give notice of your intent to marry. This form needs to be completed and given to your Marriage Celebrant not less than 1 month prior to your ceremony or can be completed up to 18 months in advance. Download the form here and read carefully before attempting to complete - .


To comply with all of the legal requirements of the Notice of Intended Marriage, your celebrant must sight the following documents:


* Produce evidence of your identity to the marriage celebrant – evidence of the date and place of birth (birth certificate) of both partners OR passport Australian or International.


* Produce evidence of your eligibility to marry to the marriage celebrant (evidence of any previous divorce or death of any previous spouse), if applicable (e.g. divorce papers, death certificate).


* Be of marriageable age (you can only marry if you are 18 years or older).


* Evidence of place of residence.


Notice of Intended Marriage

This notice must be signed in the presence of one of the following. If a party signs the notice outside Australia:

  • an Australian Diplomatic Officer

  • an Australian Consular Officer

  • an employee of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3 (c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955

  • an employee of the Australian Trade Commission authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955

  • a notary public


Legal Ceremony 

  • Two witnesses over the age of 18 must be present at the marriage ceremony.

  • If either partner cannot speak English, you will need to have an interpreter present at the ceremony. The interpreter must sign a statutory declaration to certify their faithful performance in the role. For interpreting services, contact the Australian Government – Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) – Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).


I am happy to help you in any way possible to ensure your wedding day in Australia surpasses your greatest expectations and look forward to your arrival.

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